legal education and practice

Tinker v. Des Moines

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School Systems (1969) was a Supreme Court case famous as a foundational case on protecting first amendment rights of students at publicly funded schools. The case arose when school administrators...

title (legislation)

In reference to a code:

In reference to a code (such as the United States Code), the word title refers to the broad subject heading under which a law is classified. For example, the United States Code is organized into fifty titles, each title...

trap and trace device

A device or process that records the sources of incoming signals to a specific phone or computer. Often used by law enforcement as the advanced counterpart of Caller ID. A trap and trace device identifies the phone numbers or Internet addresses of...


Treason refers to the betrayal of one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies.

According to the United States Constitution, Article III,...

trial court

Trial courts are any courts that hear a case first, referred to as courts of original jurisdiction. A trial court makes both findings of fact and law through a full trial expounding the evidence of the case. The findings of law may be...

turn state's evidence

Turn state’s evidence (also known as “turn King’s evidence”) or to "flip” means the defendant chose to reveal valuable evidence to the prosecutor, in exchange for a reduction of the charge or the dismissal of some charges. When the defendant...

undocumented immigrant

Undocumented immigrants are individuals who have either illegally entered the United States without inspection, or legally entered the United States with valid nonimmigrant visas but those visas have expired. For instance, an individual...

Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

Originally enacted in 1968, the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act is a federal framework that sets how anatomical gifts can be made. Every state has enacted the provisions of the act in some form. The act allows a decedent or surviving relatives to...

uniform law

Uniform laws are laws written by lawyers from a variety of backgrounds with the hopes that states will adopt them. They are created by the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) in order to address legal issues that need a lot of expertise or need to...

Uniform Principal and Interest Act

The Uniform Principal and Interest Act, also known as the Uniform Principal and Income Act, is a uniform statute, adopted by most states, that in its most recent version allows some trustees to make adjustments that were not formerly allowed...
