wet reckless

Wet reckless is an informal term for a plea bargain reached where someone charged with a DUI receives a lesser charge usually for reckless driving. The charge is called “wet” because reckless charges do not include driving under the influence...

white-collar crime


White-collar crime generally encompasses a variety of nonviolent crimes usually committed in commercial situations for financial gain.

The following is an inclusive list of white-collar offenses : antitrust violations, bankruptcy...


The term willful refers to acts which are intentional, conscious, voluntary, and designed to achieve a particular result. The meaning of the term “willful” depends on the context in which it is used. For example:

In the context of...

wire fraud

Wire fraud occurs when interstate wirings are used in furtherance of a criminal act. In order for a defendant to be convicted under 18 U.S.C. 1343 for committing wire fraud, the follow elements must be satisfied: (1) the defendant must have been...


One of several possible means to acquire the contents of a communication by means of an electronic device.


Wiretapping is the act of recording communications between parties, often without their consent. While wiretaps can be a powerful tool for authorities conducting criminal investigations, they are also legally at odds with the right to privacy...

with prejudice

When a court dismisses an action, they can either do so “with prejudice” or “without prejudice.” Dismissal with prejudice means that the plaintiff cannot refile the same claim again in that court.

The reason that dismissal...


1. Removing cash or any other asset from the place where it is held.

2. In the context of a criminal conspiracy, leaving the conspiracy before the target crime has been committed. State laws differ on the culpability of co-conspirators who...

without recourse

A phrase meaning that one party has no legal claim against another party. It is often used in two contexts:

1. In litigation, someone without recourse against another party cannot sue that party, or at least cannot obtain adequate relief even...


In legal proceedings, witnesses can serve as sources of evidence, offering firsthand accounts that can corroborate or refute claims made by parties involved. Their testimony can influence the outcome of a case by providing insights that might...
